

安定版のバージョンは未だに0.7.110な、デスクトップ向けのDropboxの1.0.0 RC版がDropboxのフォーラム内で公開されている。


(12/03) – Release Candidate – 1.0.0 « Dropbox Forums


* Stop the Dropbox location changer widget from jumping all over the place in the tour.
* Fixed case where the Dropbox preferences window wouldn’t always become active when clicked from the menu bar on Mac OS X versions before Snow Leopard.
* New “Easy Relink” dialog in the tour. Now when you link with the same account as a previous installation you will be greeted with a fast path to configuring Dropbox. This retains your Dropbox location setting as well as your selective sync settings.
* Selective sync is optimized to finish *a lot* quicker when changing settings during initial sync.
* The Dropbox tour is now more careful about merging your dropbox with a previous installation.
* Better handling of folders which names like “.dropbox” or “Desktop.ini”, having folders with these names could cause Dropbox to spin in some syncing situations.
* Dropbox will now be more aggressive about making sure to not add duplicate entries to the Finder sidebar.
* Fix random bug that would prevent preferences to show up when you opened it for the first time at a rare point on Windows.
* Don’t enable Growl notifications for all compatible apps if you didn’t have Growl installed before installing Dropbox.
* “Move Dropbox” was broken in some cases on Windows, now should be a lot better.
* Fix the context menu not showing up sometimes on Mac OS X versions before Snow Leopard.

初のバージョン1.0.0という事で結構大きな変更があるのかな?と思っていたんだけれども、そうでも無いらしい(^ ^;


Mac OS XとLinuxでは0.7.110 ⇒ 1.0.0のバージョンアップでエラーが出ているということだけれど、Windows環境では今のところ問題なさそう。

Dropboxの競合としてSugerSyncなどのサービスが登場していますが、個人的には今のところオンラインファイル同期サービスはDropboxで不便していないのでこれで(^ ^;


